Thursday 12 February 2015

Day 14 0f 30 Days to Oneness with Master Robyn and May-Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha

Dear Ones and your beloved pets,
May and I are very excited to continue on our journey to Oneness with you...
Today we begin learn the profound Immortal Tao Classic text. This is made up of 220 sacred and powerful lines to heal, rejuvenate and transform you and your pet's and to move towards Oneness.
I have known this powerful text for many years now........You have the power to learn this text...if I can do it, you can do it! This will bless you and your pets beyond your comprehension.
These profound teachings are from Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha's Tao 2 book, the way of healing , rejuvenation, longevity and Immortality.
May and I invite you to join our journey and receive the blessings from each profound and sacred mantra.
You and your pet's will love this!
Today we learn lines 1-12.
Enjoy our session today and the many blessings from the Tao contained within....
You and your pet's are most loved and blessed!
Our greatest love
From our hearts to your hearts...
Master Robyn and May


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