Wednesday 15 January 2014

Conversations with May: Soul Communication from May on the Power and Significance of Soul Conferencing and Blessings!

I am excited to share May's soul communication with you today, she will share the power and significance of Soul Conferencing, Soul Communication and Blessings (that were taught in my last blog) and how it helps her. 

May has been with me for over 8 years now and as I have grown on my soul journey, she has too. I have always talked to May from the beginning but learning soul communication has opened up the doors to a true 2 way communication between us. May always surprises me with her wonderful sense of humor and wisdom. 

So as promised in my last blog here is a video of May's Soul Communication!

I love you all and send you my deepest love and May send you her deepest love too. In my next few blogs we will learn how to open our spiritual channels to do soul communication with all souls.
See you next time!

love Master Robyn 

1 comment:

  1. I noticed how May moved her right ear, very interesting to see this video !
